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  1. October in 6th Class

    November 4, 2024 by 5th Class Blog

    Here are some pictures of just some of the things sixth class have been up to this month! In art this month, 6th class did some printing using foam to create the ‘Dia de los Muertos’ skulls below, they also created some 3D pumpkins in the style of Yayoi Kusama. In PE, 6th class were focusing on fair play and encouragement in sport, so they created some obstacle courses for each other to try and really enjoyed something a little less competitive! In maths, we were looking at data and, in groups, 6th class gathered data and represented it in line graphs and then made a poster to display their findings. During iPad time, 6th class learned how to use iMotion to create stop motion projects. They made a story board and then used paper, lego and toys to make a stop motion animation. 6th class are now doing music with Tomas every Monday, which they are really enjoying. Have a look at the video below to see them in action!

    For Halloween 6th class got some treats in a trick or treat cauldron from ‘Larry’ the skeleton (or was it Ms Brooks…?) and they got to make oreo mummies with Junior Infants. They were excellent with the infants as always! Well done on a great month 6th class!

  2. September in 6th Class

    October 3, 2024 by 5th Class Blog

    September has been a very busy month in 6th class. We have settled back to school really well and are looking forward to a busy and fun year ahead! We completed some projects on some Paralympic athletes as we were very interested in watching the Paralympics earlier this year. We have been on three trips: one to a local secondary school, one to the library to attend a workshop on woodlice and other insects, and another to Sky Up Academy where we got to create our own news report on the positives and negatives of influencers in our society. We completed lots of art including; Keith Haring inspired drawings and faces inspired by the work of an artist called Kimmy Cantrell. We have also started Marathon Kids again and have been down to do some tennis in St. Annes and, of course, got to play our favourite game from last year; ‘BumBall’. We are also really lucky to have the new 6th class chill out area outside our classroom which we use for DEAR time and we even have our very own notice board to put things that represent us and our class! We also held our first coffee morning, in aid of St. Francis Hospice. Everyone really enjoyed helping out and did a great job, even though we had two helpers on crutches! We can’t wait for the next coffee morning!

    Check out some pictures below of our September Highlights!

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